
An organization in ACSC represents a real-world organization you support. Each ACSC organization has a separate ACSC network, completely and securely isolated from all other ACSC networks.

Each ACSC organization is created with its own Anti-Cloud Hub host running in the Anti-Cloud data center. To connect computers or other devices (aka hosts) from the organization to the ACSC network, use the ACSC management UI to add endpoints to the hub host. See the Add Host documentation.

Before connecting your first host, however, be sure to review the organization’s default settings for new connections to the hub host. See the Organization Set Up documentation.


To view an organization, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the ACSC management UI, and click the Organizations link in the page header. This will take you to the Organizations page.
  2. Click the name of the organization to view. If you don’t see the organization in the list, use the Filter by name… input at the top of the page to search for it by name.

This will take you to the Dashboard page for the organization. Click other links in the page header or in the page content to view further details for the organization.


When viewing an organization, the name of the organization will be displayed in the page header. All the links in the page header (such as Dashboard, Alerts, and Hosts) will take you to a page specific to the organization. Click the Switch link in the page header to switch away from this organization.

Back Button

Please note that the ACSC management UI has some issues with the Back button in your web browser. If you use the Back button to try to return to a page of a different organization than you are currently viewing, the ACSC management UI will instead take you to the Organizations page. You must select the organization you wish to view on the Organizations page first in order to view any pages specific to that organization.