Once your Anti-Cloud Service has been activated and you have received your welcome email, you are ready to install and configure the Anti-Cloud: Backup & Restore software on each computer you will be backing up.
Download the software
Run the installer
Confirm installation complete
Close the installer
Authenticate your account to start the Anti-Cloud Connection Manager
To establish your personalized secure connection, the Anti-Cloud Connection Manager will require your password again to unlock and enable your private encryption key.
The installer will now download the remaining components of the Anti-Cloud: Backup & Restore software
At this point, this system is preparing for installation, which takes approximately 20 seconds and occur in the background (nothing with appear on the screen)
The installer will notify you when it has completed
Enter your credentials a final time to authorize the Anti-Cloud: Backup & Restore desktop client
Installation is complete
Picking up from the step above, click “+Add Protected Item” (where the arrow is pointing)
Select one Backup Type (3) and multiple Application Backup Types (9). Click ‘Next’
Select items to be backed up - check boxes. Click ‘Next’
Leave “Commands” at Default (no extra commands). Click ‘Next’