What is your video conferencing service hiding from you?
Zoom is closely connected to China
In recent years Zoom has gained substantial market share in the United States — without close scrutiny of its background and liabilities. A closer look at their history reveals troubling patterns:
- The large research and development deparment of Zoom Video Communications (700 employees) is based in the People's Republic of China. [1]
- Zoom illegally transferred users' information to the Chinese government. [1, 2, 3]
- In some cases the keys used for encrypting Zoom meetings were issued by servers located in Beijing. [1]
- Zoom's advertised “end-to-end” encryption is in fact only encrypted on the way to the server, not along the full path to other participants’ computers. [1]
- Zoom requires download and installation of the desktop client for most features, which gives the software expanded access to your PC.
- Use of Zoom has been banned by NASA, Siemens and SpaceX, as well as the governments of Taiwan and Germany. [1, 2]
- Zoom is connected directly to the Chinese government's Internet networks (as shown in peering record below).
If you want off of Zoom ASAP, we can help!