What is The Anti-Cloud Service?

How does the Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore work?

Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore provides an end-to-end multi-layered encrypted connection over the Internet, between your Local Server or PC and your Anti-Cloud Hard Drive(s) — that you own — securely hosted in our EMP hardened, underground, Certified Data Center.

Our Data Center is safe from natural disasters, on a separate power grid from any major metro area and connected to multiple 100 Gbps Internet Fiber Circuits with physically diverse routes.

Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore protects against Ransomware and MITM attacks!

Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore, as compared to Clouds (all cloud providers), is the only data backup service that doesn't charge for data storage or data transfer!

Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore is different than The Clouds

Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore is a closed system – it creates a secure connection between the Anti-Cloud Client Software on your Server or PC and your Anti-Cloud Hard Drive(s) in our Secure Data Center that can only be accessed from that Server or PC, whereas The Clouds' services are accessible through a web browser log in that is open to the world, with all of The Clouds Client’s User/Password information connected to it through a Database.

Your data in The Clouds is spread across shared drives that you cannot own or ever have access to, unlike the Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore, where your Data is stored on your own Anti-Cloud Hard Drives that you control.  If your data in The Clouds was accessible on a drive, it would be in an incompatible format, such as RAID, etc., which would be unusable as an external drive on your Server or PC.  With the Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore your Anti-Cloud Hard Drives are usable as standard external drives on either your Server or PC.

Some important benefits of Anti-Cloud Backup & Restore vs. Clouds
The Anti-Cloud


You control your data.  It is stored only on your own Anti-Cloud Hard Drives (in our secure data center) – only you have access to your data:

Two dedicated mirrored hard drives per client [included as part of Anti-Cloud: Backup & Restore]:

Know the exact physical location of your data & Anti-Cloud Hard Drives:

Secure connection over the Internet to your own Anti-Cloud Hard Drives:

Fixed-rate billing – you are not charged per amount of data transferred or stored:

Free unlimited user connections per hard drive: ?
Your Data and Metadata is not used, sold and/or shared with any third party: ?
No deletion of data
If service is discontinued for any reason (including non-payment), your Anti-Cloud Hard Drives are shipped to you using Next-Day Delivery:

(Your data is never deleted)

(View Cloud Backup Deletion Terms)