
Cannot login

If you cannot log into ACSM with your ACSM credentials, contact your organization’s administrator. Your administrator can add or remove users, and update (or reset) user credentials.

Room not listed

If you can log into ACSM, but do not see your expected rooms listed, contact your organization’s administrator. Your administrator can add or remove rooms, rename them, and assign users to them.

Missing options

If you log into ACSM and start a meeting, but do not see your moderator controls (or you do not have a star next to your name), try reloading the meeting page (press the Ctrl and R keys at the same while viewing the meeting page). If this does not work, try your browser’s “Delete Site Data” action, and then reload the page.

To Delete Site Data with Firefox, do the following:

  1. Leave the meeting.
  2. To the right of the Firefox address bar, click the Hamburger icon.
  3. Select the History menu item.
  4. Where the browser’s Recent History is listed, right-click on any Anti-Cloud Secure Meet menu item.
  5. Select the Forget About This Site… menu item.
  6. Click Forget in the “Are you sure?” prompt.
  7. Press the Cntrl and R keys at the same time to reload the page.
  8. Log into ACSM and select the same room.

To Delete Site Data with Chrome, do the following:

  1. Leave the meeting.
  2. On the left edge of the Chrome address bar, click the Preferences icon.
  3. Select the Cookies and site data menu item.
  4. Select the Manage on-device site data menu item.
  5. Click the Trash icon.
  6. Click the Done buton.
  7. Press the Cntrl and R keys at the same time to reload the page.
  8. Log into ACSM and select the same room.

Oops, unauthorized

If you see an Oops, unauthorized message appear when you try to join a meeting, try the steps described in the Missing options section above.

Invalid Token

If you see an Invalid Token message appear while you are moderating a meeting, try the steps described in the Missing options section above.

Meeting disconnected

If you are disconnected from a meeting while it is in progress, try reloading the meeting page (press the Ctrl and R keys at the same while viewing the meeting page). If this does not work, check your Internet connection to make sure that you are still able to access other sites on the Internet.

Too much CPU

If the meeting appears to be taking up too much of your computer’s CPU processing power, try turning off your video. If the meeting still appears to be taking up too much CPU, ask others to turn of their video, too.